Project Number Number assigned by the City to identify the type of project.
PID Seq Number assigned by the City to distinguish different assessed parts of a project.
Project Name The project name will generally describe the project type or the project area. Older City projects names are usually abbreviated with the project type such as W for a water project or ST for a street project. More recent projects will have a more detailed description such as "Alden Way" or "2002 Street Project."
Term The term is the number of years the assessment will be levied.
Certified Date The certified date is the date the City Council approved the adoption of the assessment.
Initial Amount The Initial Amount is the total amount of the original assessment.
Interest Rate The interest rate is a simple rate computed on the Remaining Balance.
Remaining Balance The Remaining Balance is the amount remaining to be paid. It is the Initial Amount less any payments.
Current Principal The Current Principal is the portion of the initial amount that appears on the current years property taxes.
Current Interest The Current Interest is the interest charge that appears on the current years property taxes.
Description The Description will tell you the type of fee that was charged such as a park fee or a sewer main charge.
Fee Status This category will tell you if the charge has been Paid or Not Paid (UnPaid).
Date Paid This is usually the date the charge was paid. If the charge is marked UnPaid, this may be the date the charge was applied.